Hi, I am Monica Teurlings. I am Southern California born and raised, have raised two awesome boys whom are now all grown up and am now living in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada with my husband.

As a natural medium my spiritual experiences began at a very young age and have continued throughout my life. At 6 years old my first experience occurred when a man just appeared in my room one evening as I was in bed trying to sleep. He sat right on the floor in my room across from my bed against the wall. I would struggle sleeping because my parents would fight loudly outside my door and being so young it made me feel anxious . This man never spoke to me and he never approached me but he would look at me from under his hat every now and again. His presence always calmed me and I felt peaceful and I could sleep easily once he was there. The man came in night after night for weeks to watch over me until my parents separated. Once they did, I never saw him again. I can remember him clearly today as if it was last night. 

Growing up I would just know stuff. That's how it started for me. I just always had a sense of knowing things that would occur and I had this ability to feel and understand the energy of others. It was however after the passing of my children's father in 2005 when the spirit world became very real as incredible spiritual experiences were happening to me so regularly that I could not ignore any of it.

For instance, one day the phone rang and as I answered, I was in shock as I realized the person speaking to me on the other end had already died. Every hair on my body stood up. It was in that moment I became aware the energy I could feel went much deeper and further than people in my physical presence. I realized I also could connect to the energy of those in the spirit world. 

Since 2005 there has been so many beautiful and magical experiences that have happened to me as my abilities grew strong and my communication with the spirit world and those in it really strengthened. The experiences continue even today as a strong working medium. The spirit world is around all of us. I can just feel, sense and even see the world beyond us. I can create a phone line with spirit.

As an Evidential Medium I will bring forward information from loved ones in spirit that my clients can validate and know to be true and accurate. By bringing in the loved ones I bring in their personality, things that were important to them, memories you shared together, messages for you that are relevant to your life now, what has happened in your life since they passed, how you have honored them and other types of communication that they wish to express for my client. Each session I do is different.

The most powerful source we have comes from within ourselves which is why my private sessions also include looking at my client’s own soul and their life with the help from spirit. I begin to become aware of who you are, characteristic traits, struggles you are dealing with and also your qualities, where you shine best and how to empower you to go after and find your purpose. I become guided energetically from my spirit guide team, your spirit guides and loved ones who join from spirit. I become aware of where focus needs to be placed during a session and for your life. All these combined connections creates a beautiful, well rounded healing and guidance for you.

People often ask about the process to connect with spirit and honestly it’s all fueled in the absolute energy of LOVE. I am very grateful to have this ability to work in this LOVE energy and be the connection between the client who sits with me and with those they love and lost who now are in the spirit world watching over them. 

I am spirit’s Uber driver. Their conduit. I am never in charge of the dialogue of communication or the focus of direction a session goes because it’s their communication. They know what you need to hear and it is always communication to help heal you and uplift you and help you forward in life and with your grief.

All my sessions are joyful , interactive and always intended to serve your best and highest good. You will finish your time feeling lifted, happier and with more joy. This is always both my intention and spirits.

I am also a Published Author and have written two books with my spirit team known collectively as Edgar:

DESTINATION SELF Navigated for You with LOVE by My Spirit Guides Published April 2018

LETTERS FROM SPIRIT Teachings From My Guides Published Dec 2020

Available on Amazon and online at Barnes&Noble. You will find a direct links to purchase either books from both retailers on my BOOK page of this website.


It is not to learn to become but rather to strengthen what and who you are already naturally. A professional athlete will never stop training although  he/she is gifted with a special athletic ability but instead they dedicate themselves daily to always working harder on strengthening their natural born abilities. I like to approach my work the same way.


  • Trained and educated at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, U.K. for Psychic-Mediumship development

  • Studied, Tested and Certified as an advanced Psychic and Medium through Lisa Williams at the Lisa Williams International Spiritual School of Development(LWISSD)

  • The House of Spirit in Hannover, Germany

  • Continuous Progressive Study /Mentorship Study with the very best across the globe.

  • Daily dedication, discipline and hard work on my own and within myself to continue to deepen the spiritual connection between me, my guides and those on the other-side