Meditation can be a practice for all, even children. To know yourself, you must sit with yourself. Much is dealt with and worked on in meditation. Words are not needed. It is a time to feel, and it is those feelings that allow you to know yourself. It is the calmness that allows you to hear yourself. There are no words needed to get to know the real you.
Meditation is where you get to know your soul, your light and the highest form of you. All that you are. When you connect with your soul it is not possible to not be happy. You receive an energy boost and you begin to uncover the treasures that lay within you. It is giving to yourself for yourself. It is self-love.
As you build upon your practice you will feel calmer, happier and more energetic. Things that once bothered you feel much less bothersome to you. You begin to see life and all things in it differently and this is awareness. Your life becomes more vibrant and brighter. You feel brighter.
Give to yourself and begin a practice of meditation. Start with how ever many minutes you wish. Any amount of minutes you sit with yourself is beneficial for you.
Below are some of my free guided meditations I have created for your enjoyment and for your personal development. They were created to help you on your journey to discovering more of SELF. They are NOT to be listened to when driving ,riding or operating any vehicle of any kind. I recommend finding a nice quiet place in your home where you are uninterrupted and no attention from you is needed. A space and a time given just for you.
I hope you enjoy and you begin incorporating meditation into your life and check back as I will be adding more on a variety of topics as I again become inspired by the Spirit World to sit and create more together for you.
Free Audio Meditations by Monica Teurlings
The Power of You
This meditation is designed for you to sit within the power that is you. So that you can know what your own power feels like. You have great power.Your power can and will be strengthened upon as you sit within it so enjoy.
Gratitude should be felt everyday in your life. So whether you listen to this meditation in the morning as you start your day or in the evening as you finish your day feeling gratitude is a wonderful way to raise your own vibration and it is a absolute jumpstart to feeling happier.
The Artist Studio
You are an artist. Your inner being a creator.You create your life. All of it. The good stuff and the not so good stuff. The beautiful moments and the not so beautiful moments. The joy and the hardship. As a artist you need supplies to create. Your thoughts and desires are your supplies. They are your paint and your paintbrush. These are your tools. You use these tools to create. Your life is your canvas. This meditation , The Artist Studio takes you to a special place with the intention to create. It is your own personal workshop. A space where you can feel your desires and you can focus on your thoughts that resonate with those desires that you hold and begin the creation of all that you want, all that you want your life to be and all the experiences you wish to have. Enjoy your very own creative workshop.
The Reset Meditation ( a short meditation)
It is important that we are aware of how we feel. It is also important to become aware when we begin to feel different. When we begin to not have a good day, things go wrong or our mood turns in a direction that takes us to more not good feelings. We can simply redirect ourselves. This short meditation is about navigating you back to feeling good. To simply take a few moments to reset yourself. You can do this meditation at the start of your day, in the midday ,on your lunch break at work, before you head into a meeting,before you walk into your home for the evening and wish to leave the stress behind you or when ever you become aware that you are feeling stressed, a bit anxious, uptight or upset. It is imperative for your wellbeing to Stop, Pause, Reflect on how you feel in any moment and DECIDE to reset yourself to feeling better. This way of approaching your day of being aware of your feelings is VERY valuable for you.
Meet Your Spirit Guide - Guided Meditation
This guided meditation is designed to give you the opportunity to meet your own Spirit Guide. Your own divine helper that is wise, loving and who is and has been devoted to you in your life.